Practical Commands
This guide has all the *nix commands you can practically use.
By Omkaram - Dec 14, 2024
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Useful to copy or transfer files locally or via a network. Add --dry-run for dry run
# Display progress while transferring and exclude list of file or folders from transferring $ rsync -rahuv --info=progress2 --stats --exclude-from=exclude-files-folders-list.txt [source] [target]
Secure Copy. Helps to transfer files especially over a SSH tunnel network.
# Recursively copy files from Remote to local $ scp -i "yourkey.pem" -r [username]@[IP]:~/[folder on the server]/* [your local destination] # Recursively copy files from local to Remote $ scp -r [your local destination] [username]@[IP]:~/[folder on the server]/*
Process Monitoring
Secure Copy. Helps to transfer files especially over a SSH tunnel network.
# Prints the processes Start time, PID, CPU%, MEMORY%, MEMORY, COMMAND $ ps aux | gawk '{mem[$11]+=int($6/1024)}; {time[$11]=$9; cpuper[$11]+=int($3)}; {memper[$11]+=int($4)}; {id[$11]=$2}; END {for (i in id) {print strftime("%Y-%m-%d %T") "\t" time[i] "\t" id[i] "\t" cpuper[i]"% \t",memper[i]"%\t",mem[i]" MB\t",i,"\t\t"}}' ==== # results 2024-12-13 21:14:39 18:54 1994 0% 0% 20 MB /usr/libexec/xdg-desktop-portal-gtk 2024-12-13 21:14:39 18:52 659 0% 0% 0 MB [zvol] 2024-12-13 21:14:39 18:51 6 0% 0% 0 MB [netns] 2024-12-13 21:14:39 18:52 1055 7% 0% 113 MB /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg 2024-12-13 21:14:39 18:51 112 0% 0% 0 MB [vfio-irqfd-clea] 2024-12-13 21:14:39 18:54 1788 0% 0% 23 MB /usr/bin/xembedsniproxy 2024-12-13 21:14:39 18:51 136 0% 0% 0 MB [kworker/u33:0-hci0] 2024-12-13 21:14:39 18:51 25 0% 0% 0 MB [cpuhp/2] 2024-12-13 21:14:39 18:51 22 0% 0% 0 MB [ksoftirqd/1] === # You can use the same in a loop every 10 mins to monitor your processes in my example "openjdk" in a detaches state and write it to a file # create a file name "" and place this below in it and run nohup ./ & while true; do sleep 600 ps aux | gawk '{mem[$11]+=int($6/1024)}; {time[$11]=$9; cpuper[$11]+=int($3)}; \ {memper[$11]+=int($4)}; {id[$11]=$2}; END {for (i in id) {print strftime("%Y-%m-%d %T") "\t" time[i] "\t" id[i] "\t" cpuper[i]"% \t",memper[i]"%\t",mem[i]" MB\t",i,"\t\t"}}' \ sort -k3nr | grep "openjdk" | tee -a "mule-memory.log" done
This command is useful to find files and can be used in conjunction with AWK and SED
# Looks for the word in all the files of current directory # and print the file name, number and match $ find ./ -type f -exec awk '/ { printf "%s *** %s *** %s\n\n",FILENAME,FNR,$0 }' '{}' + ==== # Result of the above /articles/index.php *** 24 *** link rel=alternate hreflang=en href="" / ./index.php *** 8 *** link rel=alternate hreflang=x-default href="" / ./index.php *** 9 *** link rel=alternate hreflang=en href="" / ./work/index.php *** 8 *** link rel=alternate hreflang=x-default href="" / ./work/index.php *** 9 *** link rel=alternate hreflang=en href="" /
# If you want to work on multiple files in the same folder and subsequent folders, # then either one or both of the two commands given below must work $ sed -i 's/abc/omkaram/g' * $ find ./ -type f -exec sed -i 's/Hello world/Omkaram Venkatesh/g' {} \; ==== # But what if you do not want to replace a string with another string, instead just what to find the matching words in a file? Like our AWK example?$_COOKIE $ find ./ -type f -exec sed -n 's/.*\(omkaram\).*/\1/p' {} \;
LSOF list open files. Helpful to find open files.
# To check total files opened by top 4 processes $ lsof | awk '{printf "Files open | Program: %s | PID: %s\n", $1, $2}' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -n 4 | column -t ==== # Result of the above 68706 Files open | Program: firefox-b | PID: 4889 31174 Files open | Program: plasmashe | PID: 1785 14760 Files open | Program: code | PID: 3613 10051 Files open | Program: krunner | PID: 2693
# To check files opened by a user OR specific directory $ lsof -u [USER_NAME] +D [location] --- # To check files opened by a user AND IN a specific directory $ lsof -u [USER_NAME] -a +D [location] --- # To check files not open by a user AND IN a specific directory $ lsof -u ^[USER_NAME] -a +D [location] --- # To check all files opened by a user and TCP and UDP connections $ lsof -u [USER_NAME] -i TCP -i UDP --- # To check all files NOT opened by a user and TCP and UDP connections $ lsof -u ^[USER_NAME] -i TCP -i UDP --- # To check all files NOT opened by a user and TCP and UDP connections, without hostnames(-n) (i for ipv[46] files) $ lsof -u ^[USER_NAME] -i TCP -i UDP -n --- # To check all files NOT opened by a user and TCP connections, without hostnames and no portnames (want port numbers with -P) # and then filter for TCP Listening connections $ lsof -u ^[USER_NAME] -i TCP -nP -s TCP:LISTEN --- # To check all LISTEN and ESTABLISHED conns on port range $ lsof -n -i:80-4431 --- # To check all LISTEN and ESTABLISHED conns by a PID (-a means AND) $ lsof -Pan -p 1077 -i --- # To check all LISTEN and ESTABLISHED conns by a USER $ lsof -u mysql -Pan -i
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